About Greater New Brighton


Christchurch Earthquake Appeal Trust (CEAT) Funding

CEAT will provide up to $2 million for projects that have been selected by the community to enhance the social and economic environment in the greater New Brighton area. This will be a community-led development programme, the key element of which is that the community will determine what the project(s) will be.


What is The Greater New Brighton Area?

The Greater New Brighton Area runs from Beach Road, south including South Shore, it’s east and west borders are the ocean and Avon/Otakaro river and estuary.


CEAT Greater New Brighton
Community-led Development Leadership Group

The work to determine the eventual project(s) and oversee their completion will be led by a Leadership Group comprised of community leaders. The Leadership Group are the Kaitiaki, or guardians, of the CEAT Greater New Brighton Community-led Development Programme, and their role as community leaders is to govern/oversee the programme, make the decisions and help bring the community vision to life. They will continue to communicate progress on the vision and seek ongoing community input as has already occurred through the community meetings Renew Brighton arranged over 2020 and through to April 2021. The Leadership Group has terms of reference for how it operates and is accountable to CEAT for the efficient and effective operation of this programme. 

More than 20 consultation reports on the needs of the Greater New Brighton area have been created by various groups since the earthquakes in 2010. These have been summarised into a single report (the “Higgins Report”) which identifies the major themes from all of the previous consultations. The Leadership Group will consult with the wider community to determine what projects will be actioned under the CEAT funding.

The final decisions on what projects or ideas the Leadership Group select to action, will be made with community input and support. These final projects will be recommended to the CEAT Trustees for their final agreement.

The Process for Leadership Group Selection 

Expressions of interest from the Greater New Brighton community for the Leadership Group were called in early 2021 and 22 were received. Independent representatives from Greater New Brighton, CEAT and the Department of Internal Affairs then selected the members.